About Nobella Photography

Helen Singleton

I was born in Newcastle. I grew up and lived on the western side of Lake Macquarie until moving to Warners Bay in 2013. I have never lived anywhere else. 

I have always loved taking photos, even as a young child, and later on taking photos of my children and holiday snaps. I am a true Pisces and I love taking photos of the water, waves, and beautiful sunrises and sunsets that make me feel like I am part of something beautiful and peaceful. 

My first job was in spare parts at Hirecraft Marine, Toronto. In the years to follow, I worked within the Medical Industry, in a General Practice and then for Psychologists and other Allied Health Professionals.  I took opportunities to photograph the world around me whenever possible.

My focus was that of a wife and mother. 3 years ago I started taking more photos and I joined a meetup group to gain more experience. Once I started sharing my photos I had some very nice feedback from the group and from media outlets and online photo groups. My friends and family have been encouraging me to do more and to share my photos, so after receiving enquiries about purchasing some of my images, I thought I would try to take it further. 

I am a single mum now, with two teenagers living at home. Exploring my creative side through photography, fits in around my family responsibilities and gives me opportunities to meet people with similar interests. Being a parent can be isolating and stressful, and I also know firsthand the additional challenges for parents who are carers. My son has special needs and requires support 24hours a day. 

I am passionate about supporting people who may be in a similar position to me, and for them to know how important it is to find something that gives you some joy in your life. Doing something just for you, that you love, is so important, especially after the last couple of years of the pandemic. 

Happiness in life is so vital to everyone. More than anywhere else, I find peace and happiness in witnessing the sunrises and sunsets over our magnificent lake and beaches. I feel blessed to live in such a beautiful area, and capturing these moments brings a strength, fills my bucket and allows me to keep focusing on what is important to me.

I want to be a positive role model for my children, especially in this digital age. I want them to experience the real world, see the beauty all around, support their creativity, teach them to have fun and encourage them to realise their hopes, dreams and goals.

Celebrating special moments in life, then capturing them, gives us an opportunity to relive how that moment made us feel.

As much as I enjoy opportunities to get out and take the photos, I enjoy editing almost as much.

Sometimes, I can see what the photo “could” be, and that really inspires my creative side.

When you look at my photographs, I want them to evoke a memory.

Maybe beautiful, maybe dramatic, but in a way you have not seen before.

Or just simply make you smile. 

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